Top 3 Nutrients for Immune Support​

Top 3 Nutrients for Immune Health! (1).png

​A nutrient dense diet will always be the best tool you have to build up your immune system.

In order for your body to digest and absorb what you eat, you have to consider everything from the ground that your food grows in, to the quality of the foods you eat, as well as where it comes from. ​Macronutrients (such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) along with micronutrients (like vitamins and minerals) are what fuels your body.

To optimally support your immune system, you need a balance of all these nutrients, both macro and micro, for your body to thrive. Every vegetable or source of protein you eat has a wide range of nutrients attached to it, so eating a variety of foods will give you the best opportunity to get the most out of your nutrition.​Sometimes it’s hard to get all of the nutrients you want or need in your diet on a regular basis. This is where using supplements come into play!

Supplements are a great way to bridge the gap between what might be missing in your diet and/or helping to provide you with extra support. It's wise to have an arsenal of vitamins on hand to ramp up your immune system for preventative measures or in times of need.​

Our top three supplements to stay stocked up on this sick season are listed below, along with a few food sources of where to find these nutrients in real food.​

Zinc - This mineral is essential for more than 200 enzymatic reactions and plays a key role in growth, immune function, and testosterone metabolism (which plays a large role in promoting lean muscle mass).

  • Food Sources: oysters, beef chuck roast, crab, lobster, dark meat chicken, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, almonds

  • Supplement Option: Thorne Zinc Picolinate

Vitamin C - Not only is vitamin C known for supporting your immune system, but it is linked to collagen formation and supporting liver detoxification. Vitamin C is a micronutrient that your body cannot produce on its own, it must be obtained from your diet or through supplementation.

  • Food Sources: bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, papaya, tomatoes, broccoli, snow peas, kale

  • Supplement Option: Thorne Vitamin C​​

Vitamin D - The variety of functions Vitamin D has should not be overlooked. Vitamin D is crucial for supporting healthy bones and muscles, cardiovascular health, immune function, mood, brain health, and metabolic health. Direct sunlight is the best way to get vitamin D, however, a lot of people work indoors, wear sunscreen, or live where the sun doesn’t shine half the year and do not get enough vitamin D naturally.

  • Food Sources: cod liver oil, trout, salmon, mushrooms, sardines, egg, beef liver

  • Supplement Option: Thorne Vitamin D​​

Looking for more help with supplements? Simply contact us here and we will gladly set up some time to walk through any questions you have! Note, we partner with Thorne (the best of the best in the supplement world) and are able to hook our clients up with 15% off all Thorne Products. Let us know if you'd like to take advantage of that discount and we'll add you to our Thorne client list!

~The Evexia Coaching Team




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