The Hidden Key to Effortless Health

Feel like you’re doing everything right—working out, eating healthy—but still not feeling your best?

Ever wondered why some people seem effortlessly healthy while others struggle? The secret isn’t in the latest fad diet or workout trend—it’s in embracing a holistic approach to health and fitness that nurtures your body, mind, and soul.

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Improving Your Athletic Movement

Improving your athletic movement goes hand in hand with the concept of energy transfer. In this blog post, we’ll focus on how you can harness your potential energy and more effectively transfer it; more simply put, we’ll talk about how to unlock your athletic movement potential. Which means lifting more, running faster, jumping higher, and even just moving better in general!

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The Progressive Overload Principle

Progressive overload is one of the most well known principles of strength training. It is one of the best ways to help create healthy and sustainable changes. This popular and science-backed principle states, our training must be guided by a series of progressions to create a slow adaptation in the direction of the end goal. While it seems extremely simple and like common sense, it’s completely against human nature in today’s society.

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