Top 10 Time Management Tips


Ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day?

Between work, family, and everything else, it’s easy to let your health slide. But what if I told you that you can take better care of yourself without needing extra time? It’s all about how you use the time you have.

You’re busy all the time—work meetings, school runs, chores, and maybe even running your own business. By the end of the day, you’re tired, and the thought of working out, eating healthy, or even getting enough sleep seems impossible.

Sound familiar?

The problem isn’t just being busy. It’s about not making time for what’s really important—your health. Without taking care of yourself, everything else gets harder. 

Let’s talk about some easy tips to help you manage your time better and make your health a priority, even with a busy schedule. Here are our Top 10 strategies to implement this week to start managing your time and priorities better:

  1. Look at How You Spend Your Time:

    • Why it’s Important: Sometimes, we lose track of time without even realizing it. A few minutes on social media or watching TV can add up.

    • How to Do It: Spend a few days paying attention to what you do each hour. Once you see where your time goes, you can figure out where to make changes.

  1. Put Your Health First:

    • Why it’s Important: When you feel good, everything else becomes easier.

    • How to Do It: Schedule time for exercise, meal prep, and sleep just like you would for important meetings. If it’s on your calendar, you’re more likely to do it.

  2. Set Small Goals:

    • Why it’s Important: Big goals can feel too hard and make you want to give up.

    • How to Do It: Start small. Instead of planning an hour at the gym, go for a 10-minute walk. Add an extra veggie to your dinner instead of changing your whole diet.

  3. Combine Tasks:

    • Why it’s Important: You can fit healthy habits into your day without needing extra time.

    • How to Do It: Walk while you’re on the phone, do a quick workout while the kids nap, or cook a healthy meal while watching TV.

  4. Learn to Say No:

    • Why it’s Important: Saying yes to everything can leave you with no time for yourself.

    • How to Do It: Decide what’s most important to you. If something doesn’t help with your goals, it’s okay to say no. This gives you more time for what really matters.

  5. Simplify Your Routine:

    • Why it’s Important: A simple routine saves time and makes life easier.

    • How to Do It: Prep meals in advance, set out your workout clothes the night before, and stick to a morning and evening routine. The less you have to think about, the better.

  6. Focus on Quality, Not Quantity:

    • Why it’s Important: You don’t need hours to get a good workout or make a healthy meal.

    • How to Do It: Choose quick, effective workouts or simple, nutritious meals. It’s about making the most of the time you have.

  7. Involve Your Family:

    • Why it’s Important: Making healthy changes is easier when you do it together.

    • How to Do It: Plan active family activities, cook together, or have a family water-drinking challenge. It’s fun and helps everyone stay healthy.

  8. Set Boundaries:

    • Why it’s Important: Without boundaries, work or other things can take over your personal time.

    • How to Do It: Set clear times for work, exercise, family, and relaxation. Turn off work emails after a certain time, and make sure you have time for yourself.

  9. Be Kind to Yourself:

    • Why it’s Important: Nobody’s perfect, and it’s okay if things don’t always go as planned.

    • How to Do It: If you miss a workout or end up ordering takeout, don’t worry. Just focus on what you can do next to get back on track.

But there's another big piece to consider...

Stress management. And look, I get it – you can’t stop stressful things from happening. That’s exactly what exercise is for, helping you become more resilient to it! And the other aspects of those 6 Steps for Success help with recovering from stress

Balancing your total stress load can be a real challenge - aka managing relationships, work, workouts, and everything else that comes with life. That’s why it’s important to find that balance of knowing when your mind and body need to push or if it's best to rest.  

Even deeper, it's important to focus on health in all aspects of your life. Your body, your mind, your emotions, your social life, and even your surroundings will impact your overall well-being. When all of these areas are healthy, you’ll feel better inside and out.

So where do I even start?!

Here are some practical ways to take action today:

  • Morning Hydration: Drink a glass of water first thing when you wake up. Add a little pinch of pink salt and a splash of lemon to get some electrolytes.

  • Whole Foods: Plan meals each week that contain fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. Keep it simple, use hand-sized servings, and spice it to your liking.

  • Strength Training: Pick three days a week for your workouts and schedule them into your calendar. Don’t have a workout plan? Use Chat GPT to build your own.

  • Daily Walks: Set an alarm to take breaks to walk and move throughout your day. We recommend 30 minutes a day. That can even be done in 10-minute bursts.

  • Bedtime Routine: Set a specific bedtime and wind down an hour before bed.

  • Mindful Choices: Opt for natural products and limit unhealthy habits like drinking alcohol.

These may seem like basic tips, but being brilliant at doing the basics is the key to sustainable success.

Time to take action!

Ready to take the next step on your health journey?

We’ll help you create a plan that fits your life and gets you feeling your best.

Book a FREE No Sweat Intro with us at our studio today!

~Coach Nick