Balancing Health and Wellness


We have found ourselves coaching the concept of balance with a lot of clients recently, more specifically the idea of balancing all aspects of health (at least from our perspective). So, we’ve put together a general overview of the most important areas to have balance. This is a very broad stroke of a handful of topics that we typically dive deeper into, but these are staples areas to focus on finding balance with for anyone who is trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time.

If you read through this blog and get freaked out because you have multiple things that you’d like to change, it’s okay. All you have to do is get started with one thing at a time. Pick the low hanging fruit and once you are done there, it’s about developing new habits and getting really consistent with them. 

Finding the best way to create a healthy and balanced lifestyle can be challenging. There are so many tools and paths to success, but not all methods work the same on everyone. Not to mention, a lot of the best information isn’t the sexiest stuff, so it doesn’t always get the hype and attention it deserves.

Truly taking care of yourself is a process. It’s important to allow yourself time through trial and error to figure out what works best for you. Keep in mind, your life changes and the same routine isn’t always going to provide you the same result. That can be daunting to think about, but there are ways to make it very doable and actually enjoy the never ending process. 

 The key to long-term success is really pretty simple in context, find balance. Find balance between managing your sleep, nutrition, workouts, and social/emotional needs. 

Get your ZZZ’s

Having a consistent sleep and wake schedule is probably one of the most overlooked things that people miss. By consistently waking up and going to bed at the same time, we allow our body to regulate and operate much more efficiently.  Consider things like your air quality, darkness, pillow comfort, bed, bedding, and temperature. All of these things can have a significant impact on your sleep quality. Quality and quantity sleep is crucial for performance, recovery, metabolism, hormone balance, your immune system, and overall health.

Watch what you eat and drink

Start with mindful eating, pay more attention to how you feel when you eat or drink certain things. If you feel like trash after eating it, you probably shouldn’t be eating it as much. Learn to enjoy foods that are good for you, learn what value they provide you, and pay attention to how much better they make you feel. By focusing on adding in healthier options and learning how to make them taste good, you are less likely to indulge in highly palatable foods. Find a routine that works for you and be real with your expectations, reality, environment, and willingness to change. 

find the right workout routine

Some people like to workout based on what feels best in the moment. They are dedicated to getting their workouts in, but they just don’t care to follow plans. Then there are also those who need a program to lock into something structured and progressive. Both have a ton of value, and both can get + keep you in great shape.

Either way you go, the key is staying consistent with the right amount and kind of workouts you are doing. Do things that make you stronger and things that make you healthier. If part of that is looking better, that’s awesome, just don’t make that the only reason you work out. 

social connection

A lot of today’s connections for most have turned to be through avenues of social media. It’s important to recognize it for both it’s benefits and it’s downfalls. The great thing about social media is its ability to connect people, education, provide a sense of community, and it’s a great source of entertainment. That same entertainment can lead to overstimulation, excessive screen time, and can lead to spending too much time comparing yourself to others. Also, keep in mind that social media is what you make of it. You control who you follow, and the more you engage with something, the more likely you are to come across it on a regular basis. Take time away from social media, or overhaul your following list if you find yourself getting sucked in the wrong direction.

The old school way, engaging with people in person! While this has been more challenging recently, things are trending in a good direction and the spring/summer season is coming fast. This usually means more opportunities for social engagements. Make them happen! Obviously we encourage people to be smart and safe, but we are social creatures and it’s vital that we make time for social interactions in person. Even if you are a home-body, force yourself to get out sometimes. Same goes for the other way around, if you’re always out and about, spending a few more nights in could be good for you. Always smart to get out of your comfort zone every now and then.

bonus tip:

Get a Dog. We have two pups that are our favorite bundles of joy. Their unconditional love is one of the best things to experience and they can teach us a lot about life! Other pets are great as well, we’re just a bit biased ;)

Keeping balance comes in waves, you won’t always be perfect with everything at once. Remember, you are human and the best thing you can keep your focus on is getting better in one aspect every day. Sometimes you may only make progress in one area at a time, but slow progress is better than no progress! In fact, the people who tend to make slow changes and learn to manage this balance well are typically the ones who see the most lasting results. No coincidence there!

Want to hear more about any of these topics in depth? Let us know by commenting below and we’ll feature it as a future blog topic!

~ Coach Brit

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